Monday, November 29, 2010

I Think I Would Rather Be Happy

I'm at the age where I'm starting to feel the pressure to figure my life out... maybe most of us are. I don't know about you, but I suck at it. I get so caught up in what I'm gonna do next year or the year after or even tomorrow. But eff it.. I mean, why waste all this time when I could  be making valuable investments into who I AM?

I'm pretty sure AM is a present tense word. We hear it all the time "live for the moment" wwooo yea. But really? How beneficial is it to live that way all the time? There's a difference between living without consideration of future repercussions and living with a sense of appreciation for what you have now. Living each day to the fullest is obvi not a bad thing.

mmmbunny trail.

What you do and who you are: two completely different things! (ps. I didn't come to this conclusion by myself. I've been hearing this alot lately) Let's try to focus on who we are and who we want to become, not just what we're going to do. Because what you DO will come out of who you ARE. Be committed to being. It's a happier, simpler place. Then, when something doesn't work out, you're still you.

You haven't lost.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is it possible to not love her?


First, I would like to thank Scott deVries for fixing my blog...I am back.

It's getting cold and closer to the time of year the average  Canadian dreads.  But lately I've been looking at it with a different perspective. More coffee and more sweaters!! Yeeeeaa boooyy.

I'm loving oversized secondhand sweaters and even mock-secondhand styles... but it does take swag to pull off thrift clothing.

Kate Gilbert
Gina Tricot

lookbook is brilliant.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


So lately my blog hasn't been letting me post pictures or change font...

Monday, October 18, 2010

You Never Know...

So tonight I took a break from my reading and homework and decided to go out for coffee with my sister and my parents. Seriously, I feel like my brain is reaching it's capactiy with SLI in the morning plus online courses in the afternoon and whatever thinking I have to do in between. (I tend to lose focus easily so reading is a challenge) Anyways...

Back on  topic.

I love Coffee Culture.  We went there first, but it was full. There was a semi-decent looking guy playing and I was sad to leave his semi-decent singing. But we decided to go somewhere else. I was going to say where, but this is a blog and the more info I write about where I go, the more likely a creepy person could find meeee.

So we were at a certain restaurant that I love and got our coffees. And our waiter was awesome, even though we weren't ordering any actual food. My parents are outgoing and that kinda got passed on to a couple of us kids, so it's inevitable to start talking. We got to know this guy... he's an artist that's actually making money ( <3 ) and doesn't believe in cell phones because he thinks people should be able to approach eachother face to face, and he has a 9 month nephew, and he's interested in history, and he writes.

And,  I dunno, I just kinda thought about how there are so many interesting people in the world. After leaving and saying "he was nice" my mom said, "well you never know if someone is nice until you're nice to them". Simple, yet profound to me for some reason. I guess I never really realized until lately how much little interactions with people mean to me. Even people I will never see again. It's just cool to know we're all living on the same planet going about our lives, yet we're all connected somehow.

Life gets more interesting when we reach out. We individually have to make the choice to initiate. Even in the littlest way. It just reminds you of the good in the world. I mean, how many people's work days could I brighten up by starting a conversation in Subway, or with the barista, or with that same guy at that same corner store when he's ringing through my same immense candy purchase, or whatever.  When you're friendly you get better service too,  just sayin. And I love it when people that come into work are cool. It makes me happy. and better at my job.

So I pretty much fell in love tonight.
Too bad waiter artist is 31.

Good boys under 20! Good boys under 20! Stop being non existent...thanks!


Brooke Fraser "FLAGS"

Brilliantly meaningful lyrics.
A couple 'meh' songs, but creative concepts nonetheless.
Well-thought-out music to back up smooth vocals.
Duets!! yaay! with Aqualung and William Fitzsimmons.
Sometimes hard to hear what she's saying, but overall, a heartfelt compilation and a unique sound. I am a fan.

Fave tracks:
Orphans' Kingdoms
Who Are We Fooling (feat. Aqualung)
Crows and Locusts
Something in the Water